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Title: 1983 McArthur River Gravity and Ground Magnetics Survey for Broadmere, Mantungula and St. Vidgeon Prospects
Title Holder / Company: Amoco Australia Petroleum
Report id: PR1983-0059
Tenure: OP191;  OP198
Year: 1983
Corporate Author: Geoterrex
Abstract: Geoterrex Pty Ltd conducted a gravity and magnetics survey on behalf of Amoco Australia Petroleum on three prospects (Broadmere, Matungula and St. Vidgeon) covering leases OP 191 and OP 198 in the McArthur River Basin. Approximately 735kms of gravity and magnetics data was acquired along the lines cleared for seismic. It was found that a ground based gravity and magnetic survey over these prospects could be imrpoved upon based on efficiency and accuracy. It was recommended that a low profile aeromagnetic survey be a cost effective approach to planning further seismic surveys.
See associated Seismic survey: McArthur River 2D SS 1983
Document Type: Gravity Survey
Magnetic Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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