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Title: 1966 Cape Hay-Cape Ford Marine Seismic Survey - Final Acquisition, Processing & Interpretation Report
Title Holder / Company: Associated Australian Oil Field
Associated Continental Petroleum
Australia Aquitaine Petroleum
Report id: PR1966-0012
Tenure: OP2;  OP83
Year: 1967
Corporate Author: Compagnie Generale de Geophysique
Abstract: Compagne Generale de Geophysique carried out the 1966 Cape Hay-Cape Ford Marine Seismic Survey within OP2 and OP83 on behalf of Australian Aquitaine Petroleum Pty Ltd. Australian Aquitaine Petroleum is operating this survey in these permits under the farm-out agreement with Associated Continental Petroleum NL (OP83) and Associated Australian Oilfields NL (OP2) for the respective areas they hold. The main purpose of the survey was to provide further information on the previous structure in the Queens Channel Area, provide additional controls of several faulted structures west of Pearce Point and to locate possible structures in the Cape Hay - Cape Ford area especially along the north north-west/ south south-east high trends previously found.
Around 54 new seismic lines was acquired in the duration of the survey with a total distance of 1991km.
The prospect can be divided into two tectonically different areas. The northern part is broadly folded along a north northwest-south southeast trend and shows smooth tectonics with conformable series. The southern area is affected by local sharp features and shows several interesting structures. Structure A4 was found in the southern corner of OP-83. This closed anticline seems to be the best prospect of the survey with an appreciable size and a reliable closure.
Document Type: Seismic Acquisition
Seismic Processing
Seismic Interpretation
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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