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Title: 1964 Cape Arnhem Marine Seismic Survey - Final Acquisition, Processing & Interpretation Report
Title Holder / Company: Farmout Drillers
Report id: PR1964-0030
Tenure: OP98;  OP99
Year: 1964
Corporate Author: Western Geophysical
Abstract: The 1964 Capentaria Marine Seismic Survey was conducted by Western Geophysical Company within OP98 and OP99 located in the western part of the Gulf of Carpentaria, in between Cape Arnhem and Cape Gray in the Northern Territory. The purposes of this survey were to determine the thickness and subsurface conformation of the Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments, and to obtain information on the regional configuration of the basement surface. Another aim was to provide the presence of Cambrian rocks the sedimentary section, if possible.
The results of the surevy were that there were very little geologic section was measured. The maximum thickness of section is seen in the extreme southeastern corner of the area and is estimated to be 2000 to 3000 ft. Regionally, basement is expected to conform closely to the reflection horizon as mapped.
Document Type: Seismic Acquisition
Seismic Processing
Seismic Interpretation
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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