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Title: 2013 Bonaparte Airborne Gravity and Magentic Survey - Final Acquisition & Processing Reports
Title Holder / Company: Beach Energy
Report id: PR2013-0033
Tenure: EP135;  EP138;  EP126;  EL386(WA);  NTCP10
Year: 2013
Corporate Author: ARKeX
Beach Energy
Haines Surveys
Abstract: ARKeX Ltd was contracted by Beach Energy Ltd to perform an Airborne Gravity Gradiometer and High Resolution Airborne Magnetic Survey over the Bonaparte Basin, the survey area covered both Western Australia and the Northern Territory regions of Australia. The survey recorded 15,732 line km of gravity gradiometer and high resolution magnetic data in EP's 126, 135, 138, NTC/P10 & EP 386 (in Western Australia). The objective of the survey was to provide a detailed regional view of the Bonaparte Basin sedimentary section within the permit areas and to enhance the regional geophysical framework in order to locate exploration wells. This was achieved to the acquisition of the Full Tensor Gravity, Magnetic Field, Lidar and Gravity Measurement Assembly datasets within the survey region.
Document Type: Gravity Survey
Magnetic Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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Arkex_Beach_Bonaparte_2D_FinalModels.pptx113.59 MBMicrosoft Powerpoint XML Add
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