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Title: 1961 Eromanga Airborne Gravity Survey OP36 - Report
Title Holder / Company: Associated Freney Oilfields
Report id: PR1961-0002
Tenure: OP36
Year: 1961
Corporate Author: Mines Administration
Abstract: The gravity survey indicates approximately 7000 feet of Mesozoic sediments overlying either a dense section of Palaeozoic rocks or dense basement rocks and that the depth to the base of the Mesozoic section decreases by approximately 3300 feet near the north west corner of the Permit. Surveying over OP36 was carried out during the period, 1st to 21st May, 1961.
Document Type: Gravity Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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