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Title: Sturt Airborne Full-Tensor Gravity Gradiometry and Magnetic Survey - Acquisition and Processing Report
Title Holder / Company: Pangaea Resources
Report id: PR2014-0023
Tenure: EP167;  EP168;  EP169;  EP198;  EP(A)305
Year: 2013
Corporate Author: Pangaea Resources
Bell Geospace
Abstract: Pangaea (NT) Pty Ltd acquired an airborne Full-Tensor Gravity Graviometry and Magnetic survey during 2013 over petroleum exploration licences EP 167, EP 168, EP 169 and EP 198 and petroleum exploration licence application EP(A) 305. The survey was broken into three areas A, B and C; with Area A and C having survey line spacing of 2000m and Area B 500m.
The survey acquisition and processing reports provided by the acquisition contractor Bell Geospace. These reports contain detailed information on the survey design, operations, navigation systems, acquisition equipment and the data processing. During the survey acquisition Bell Geospace Ltd conducted internal quality control of the acquired data. Pangaea (NT) Pty Ltd also commissioned the services of Geointrepid to act as external quality control engineers.
NOTESupport data (1.7GB compressed) is available free of charge.
Document Type: Gravity Survey
Magnetic Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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