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Title: Interpretation Report of Airborne Magnetometer Survey over OP75
Title Holder / Company: Flamingo Petroleum
Report id: PR1963-0010
Tenure: OP75
Year: 1964
Corporate Author: Aero Services Limited
Abstract: The 1964 Eromanga Airborne Magnetometer Survey was carried out by Aero Service Ltd for Flamingo Petroleum Pty Ltd over OP75 in the Northern Territory. The primary purpose of the aeromagnetic survey and the interpretation was to locate and define geologic information as it is reflected in the aeromagnetic records.
The area seems to be one of a large graben located over the eastern portion of the survey. Moderately deep areas in the western portion will require more geophysical exploration.
Document Type: Magnetic Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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PR19630010_Eromanga_AMS_1963_Interpretation_Report_OP75.pdf3.29 MBPDF Add
PR19630010_Total_Magnetic_Intensity_Map-Todd_River_Area.pdf9.06 MBPDF Add

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