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Title: 1996 Weaber Plains Seismic Survey - Seismic Acquisition and Processing Reports
Title Holder / Company: Amity Oil
Report id: PR1997-0003
Tenure: EP66
Year: 1996
Corporate Author: Geo Systems
Robertson Research
Abstract: The 1996 Weaber Plains Seismic Surveys were acquired by Geosystems Pty Ltd for Amity Oil NL consisted of 15 seismic lines, with a total distance of 131.9km. The survey was conducted within EP66, in an area located approximately 70kms North East of Kununurra, WA. Processing was conducted by Robertson Research Australia at their Perth office.
NOTEThe Waggon Creek Seismic Survey that is mentioned in the processing report was conducted in EP286 located in WA.
Document Type: Seismic Acquisition
Seismic Processing
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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Shotpoint_Base_Map.pdf598.18 kBPDF Add
Weaber_Plains_2D_SS_1996_Final_Acquisition_and_Operations_Report.pdf7.51 MBPDF Add
Weaber_Plains_2D_SS_1996_Seismic_Processing_Report.pdf295.95 kBPDF Add

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