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Title: 1990 Wallara, Tempe Downs Seismic Survey EP20 Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory
Title Holder / Company: Indigo Oil
Sirgo Exploration
Report id: PR1992-0109
Tenure: EP20
Year: 1992
Corporate Author: Geo Systems
Abstract: A final operations report by Geosystems Pty Ltd on the field operations and processing for the Wallara-Tempe Downs seismic survey (1990) Sirgo Exploration, the licensee for EP20, had nine seismic lines shot spanning 76.7km. The survey encountered some problems with difficult terrain, and minimum availability of tie points. The survey was shot after the drilling of Wallara No. 1 revealed the well to be off-structure. Wallara No. 1 was drilled to test a broad microseepage anomaly 4km from the nearest seismic line. Wallara-1 is located 3.5km west and 0.1 seconds below the Wallara structure apex of closure.
Document Type: Seismic Acquisition
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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