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Title: 1984 Simpson Desert Seismic Survey - Digital Data
Title Holder / Company: Beach Petroleum
North Broken Hill Limited
Report id: PR1985-0248
Tenure: OP184
Year: 1984
NOTEField and processed data available on request. A hard drive must be supplied for requests over 50GB.
Document Type: Seismic Data
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

Files in this Report:
File SizeFormat Add to
PR1985-0248_CDP_GATHERS.zip767.33 MBZIP Add
PR1985-0248_FINAL_STACK_MERGE.zip37.09 MBZIP Add
PR1985-0248_RAW_FINAL_STACK.zip36.65 MBZIP Add
PR1985-0248_RAW_STACK.zip14.81 MBZIP Add

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