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Title: Seismic Survey Report on the Mereenie Anticline Area
Title Holder / Company: Exoil
Report id: PR1962-0020
Tenure: OP43;  OP56
Year: 1962
Corporate Author: Namco
Abstract: The Mereenie Anticline Seismic Survey was conducted for Exoil Pty Ltd, by Namco International in 1962. A total of approximately 297km of seismic data was acquired during the survey using the continuous reflection profile method. The results of the survey had outlined the structural details of the Mereenie Anticline. This report suggest a location suitable for an exploratory test.
Document Type: Seismic Acquisition
Seismic Processing
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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PR19620020_Mereenie_Anticline_2D_SS_1962_Operations_Report.pdf1.25 MBPDF Add

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