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Title: Mereenie Trial 2D Seismic Survey 2011 - Acquisition & Processing Reports
Title Holder / Company: Central Petroleum
Report id: PR2011-0096
Tenure: OL4;  EP115
Year: 2011
Corporate Author: Terrex
Abstract: In 2011 Santos Ltd, contracted Terrex Seismic was contracted to complete a 8.5km 2D Seismic imaging in the Mereenie field area, located around the Mereenie #15 well which is situated approximately 280km west of Alice Springs.The acquisition consisted of the full line length being acquired with a vibroseis source, along with 0.79km of line acquired using a dynamite source.
The purpose of this survey was to evaluate different seismic acquisition parameters for the analysis of the cost/benefit ratio of a potential follow up, high definition 3D Seismic over the Mereenie Oil and Gas field.
The project was coordinated and processed in Santos's Operations Geophysics group, Adelaide. All processing was performed using ProMax processing software.
Document Type: Seismic Acquisition
Seismic Processing
Date Added: 22-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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AMSN_Mereenie_2D_SS_2011_Final_Acquisition_Report.pdf9.27 MBPDF Add
AMSN_Mereenie_2D_SS_2011_Trial_Processing_Report.pdf11.28 MBPDF Add
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