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Title: Stratigraphic analysis of the Mainoru Formation, Roper Group, McArthur Basin using HyLogger
Report id: NTGS Technical Note 2016-001
Year: 2016
Author: Smith, BR
Abstract: This Technical Note examines the HyLogged mineralogy and textures of the Mainoru Formation from drillholes stored within the NTGS Darwin Core Facility and on loan from Geoscience Australia (Canberra). HyLogged holes (as of October 2016) which intersect the Mainoru Formation include: Broughton 1, BMR Urapunga 1, BMR Urapunga 5, BMR Urapunga 6, and Amoco holes 82/2 and 82/3. Brescianini and Brown (1991) tentatively assigned the lower portion of drillhole MD1A on the WALHALLOW sheet to the Mainoru Formation (undifferentiated). Allan (1994) reported that drillhole MBD02 on the MOUNT YOUNG sheet intersected the Mainoru Formation (with a tentative suggestion that it might be the Crawford Formation). In 2015, core holes BBDD001 and BBDD002 were drilled and HyLogged as part of the NTGS Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations programme (round 8; 2015-2016; Pacifico Minerals 2015). All HyLogged holes have been processed in TSG Build dated October 2014 (or later) and processed to a Domained CLS level (Schodlok et al 2016).
Publisher: Northern Territory Geological Survey
Document Type: NTGS Technical Note
Access Constraint: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Please observe and retain any copyright or related notices that accompany this material and give attribution to: Northern Territory of Australia (Northern Territory Geological Survey).
Date Added: 9-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:HyLogger Data

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