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Title: Annual report for EL 23687 Lake Woods Project, 17 June 2004 to 16 June 2005
Title Holder / Company: Paradigm North
Crossland Mines
Report id: CR2005-0255
Tenure: EL23687
Year: 2005
Author: Eupene, GS
Rowe, BA
Abstract: The Lake Woods project is located 700 km south of Darwin and 200 km north of Tennant Creek. The project area is centred on the Ashburton Range which runs north-south along the eastern margin of Lake Woods, a large seasonal lake. The Stuart Highway passes through the centre of the area. Bedrock in the area is Middle Proterozoic Renner Group sediments, intruded by pre-Cambrian dolerite. Previous exploration within the district has focused on the potential for diamonds and base metals but has been limited due to poorly developed drainage and widespread alluvial and aeolian cover. The area was identified as conceptual target area based on proprietary methods and modelling conducted by Paradigm Geoscience Pty Ltd. Exploration conducted during the reporting period involved the follow-up of earlier favourable results and consisted of: collection of 12 mineralogical samples from stream sediment for diamond/indicator mineral analysis; collection of 28 samples from stream sediment, aeolian sand and rock for multi-element geochemical analysis; reconnaissance geological mapping; additional data compilation and review of previous exploration; a review of the size, colour and morphology of the microdiamonds recovered over the broader area; interpretation of results and formulation of future work program; and Native Title negotiations.
Date Added: 18-Jan-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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