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Title: Partial surrender report EL 28535 Redbank Project for the period 20 September 2011 to 14 March 2016
Title Holder / Company: Redbank Operations
Redbank Copper
Report id: CR2016-0230
Tenure: EL28535
Year: 2016
Author: Armstrong, B
Abstract: The tenement form part of Redbank Copper Limited's, Calvert Project which is located 300 km south east of the township of Borroloola near the Northern Territory and Queensland border. The tenements cover a sequence of sediments and volcanics of the Tawallah Formation. The tenements are prospective for breccia pipe hosted copper mineralisation. During the reporting period work no field work was completed within the tenement. The tenement was partially surrendered as part of scheduled partial relinquishment obligations.
Date Added: 22-Dec-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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