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Title: Charley Creek Partial Cacellation report for EL28155 2 February 2011 to 24 August 2016
Title Holder / Company: Crossland Nickel
Crossland Strategic Metals
Report id: CR2016-0463
Tenure: EL28155
Year: 2016
Author: Melville, P
Abstract: Due to non-compliance of the licence's exploration expenditure covenant, NTDME penalised the company and cancelled 6 blocks on the 19th July 2016. Crossland applied for a variation of that penalty and requested a compulsory surrender of three blocks. This was accepted by the department. One stream sediment sample was collected in the surrendered area for the period covered by this report. The surrendered ground has no potential for the occurrence of economic concentrations of alluvial REE mineralization. Much of the area contained within the sub-blocks is within the national park and consists only of rugged rocky outcrop.
Date Added: 22-Dec-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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