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Title: Annual report for MCN 4248, MCN 4254, MLN 816, MLN 872-874, MLN 875-877, MLN 883, MLN 878-879, MLN 880-882 and MLN 898 for the period 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2003
Title Holder / Company: Australasia Gold
Report id: CR2004-0090
Tenure: MCN4248;  MCN4254;  MLN816;  MLN872;  MLN873;  MLN874;  MLN875;  MLN876;  MLN877;  MLN883;  MLN878;  MLN879;  MLN880;  MLN881;  MLN882;  MLN898
Year: 2003
Author: Ireland, TJ
Abstract: Work included a review of the all gold prospects located within the area. The Glenco deposit has been reviewed and the company plans to complete a feasibility study during the next reporting period.
Date Added: 19-Dec-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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