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Title: First annual report for SEL 23658 Lennards for the period 3 April 2003 to 2 April 2004
Title Holder / Company: Newmont Tanami
Report id: CR2004-0224
Tenure: SEL23658
Year: 2004
Author: Walter, M
Abstract: During the reporting period, exploration included an orientation Soil Survey, and a RAB drilling program over the Lennards Ridge prospect. Work Completed during the reporting period comprised: 132 soil samples and 75 RAB holes for 3699 m. The SEL was also included in a Tanami- ide regional structural mapping project. This project commenced in October 2003 and is still in progress. In conjunction with the structural project, ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) satellite imagery has been purchased, and is currently being interpreted to provide regional lithological, structural and mineral alteration signatures. It is proposed that future work will involve the evaluation of prospect areas defined by target generation from the regional structural and ASTER studies. Conceptual targets outlined will be assessed using surface geochemical sampling and/or aircore / RAB drilling, depending on the particular geological and regolith settings. In addition, it is proposed to recommence exploration of the advanced East Ptilotus mineralised prospect, which contains a non-reportable gold resource in several discrete zones. The East Ptilotus prospect is an extremely structurally complicated area, and past exploration has underestimated the local structural complexities. Future work in the area will involve a systematic and detailed structural analysis, with targets tested using RAB, RC and Diamond drilling.
Date Added: 19-Dec-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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