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Title: Annual report for MCC 284, MLC 45-47, MLC 68, MLC 154-155, MLC 578-579 for the period ending 31 December 2004
Title Holder / Company: Sitzler Savage
Peko Rehabilitation Project
Report id: CR2004-0773
Tenure: MCC284;  MLC45;  MLC46;  MLC47;  MLC68;  MLC154;  MLC155;  MLC578;  MLC579
Year: 2004
Author: Jones, P
Abstract: This report details exploration undertaken by Sitzler Savage Pty Ltd, the holder of the tenements MCC 284, MLC's 45-47, 68, 154-155 and 578-579. These tenements constitute the Juno tenements for the 12 month period ending 31 December 2004 and form part of the Peko Tailings Project, managed by Peko Rehabilitation Project Pty Ltd. All other non-exploration activities undertaken on the Peko Tailings Project are detailed in the Mining Management Plan, which is submitted annually as a separate report by the operator, Peko Rehabilitation Project Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Sitzler Savage Pty Ltd.
Date Added: 19-Dec-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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