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Title: Combined annual report for period ending 9 December 2004
Title Holder / Company: Northern Cement
Report id: CR2004-0801
Tenure: MCC205;  MCC206;  MCC207;  MCC208;  MCC983;  MCC984;  MCC985;  MCC986;  MCC987;  MCC988;  MCC989;  MCC990
Year: 2004
Author: Joraslafsky, M
Abstract: Northern Cement had been mining gypsum from within MCC's 205-208. A stockpile is maintained on site. MCC's 983 to 990 are also reported in this group. In the twelve months up to 9 December 2004, the only work on the whole reporting group was repairs to boundary markers on some titles, road repairs to MCC 990 and weed control. No gypsum extraction occurred. It was noted that MCC 206 contains a pit full of water. Note that MCC 708 mentioned in the report is actually MCC 208.
Date Added: 13-Nov-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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