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Title: Briding report EL 29667 Riddoch Year 1, 3 June 2014 to 31 January 2015
Title Holder / Company: DBL Blues
Core Exploration
Report id: CR2015-0095
Tenure: EL29667
Year: 2015
Author: Chalmers, N
Abstract: Core's exploration activities on EL 29667 has included preliminary soil and rock chip sampling in the northeastern corner of the tenement as part of the companies IOCG targeted exploration within the Aileron Province (Figure 1.1). The companies Greater Paradise Well project extends into the northeastern corner of EL 29667. Two rock chip samples (Appendix 1) and seven soil samples (Appendix 2) have been collected with EL 29667 by Core in the first year and bridging period of the tenement life.
Date Added: 8-Nov-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL29667_2015_A_03_Appendix_2_SurfaceSoils.txt3.28 kBText Add

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