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Title: Strangways Project EL 10364 Mud Tank, EL 22446 Alcoota, EL 22443 Strangways and EL 22623 Phlogopite Annual Report
Title Holder / Company: Flinders Diamonds
Report id: CR2003-0029
Tenure: EL10364;  EL22446;  EL22443;  EL22623
Year: 2003
Author: Mackie, AW
Abstract: This report contains exploration done by Flinders Diamonds following up selected regional dipolar magnetic anomalies possibly indicative of kimberlitic or lamproitic diamondiferous intrusive pipes with ground magnetic traverses and RAB drilling. No recognisable kimberlites or lamproites were intersected. Four kimberlitic indicator mineral samples were collected during regolith mapping but the results were negative. Positive results from drilling were obtained on vermiculite mineralisation at Bleechmore, which can be larger than Mud Tank vermiculite deposit. The vermiculite has been intersected to a depth of 45m. The vermiculite unit at Bleechmore is possibly apparent on a ground magnetic contour plan a linear 30 m wide biotite/vermiculite infilled shear zone or dyke 470 m long. The resource potential is estimated to be more than 0.5 million tonnes.
Date Added: 13-Oct-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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