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Title: Annual report EL 23767 801 Project for the period ending 17 September 2013
Title Holder / Company: Minerals Australia
Report id: CR2013-0770
Tenure: EL23767
Year: 2013
Author: Collings, PS
Abstract: EL 23767 was granted to Jacaranda Minerals Ltd (JML) and Minerals Australia Pty Ltd (MAPL) on 18th September 2012 for a period of six years. In July 2013, consulting geologists SRK Australia carried out a detailed geological assessment of the exploration potential of the area of EL 23767 and the adjacent EL 29652. SRK's study included geological modeling and interpretation based on available government geophysical data and results of previous drilling in the region, including core drilling by JML and MAPL in EL 23726 in 2008.
Date Added: 27-Sep-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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