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Title: Final report EL 24607 3 July 2015 to 15 July 2016
Title Holder / Company: Minemakers
Report id: CR2016-0340
Tenure: EL24607
Year: 2016
Author: Pellatt, A
Fulton, R
Abstract: EL 24607 is located approximately 215 km ESE of Tennant Creek on the Alroy and Frew River 1: 250,000 and the Wonarah and Joildung 1:100,000 map sheets in the Northern Territory. The tenement occurs within the central western part of the Georgina Basin where flat-lying, phosphate-bearing Cambrian sediments have been deposited. The lower part of this sequence, the Gum Ridge Formation, is considered prospective for phosphate mineralization overlying either carbonates or basalts of the Middle Cambrian. A total of 32 RC drill holes were drilled for a total of 1484 m with the phosphate mineralisation encountered being patchy, low grade or too deep to be of economic interest. Rehabilitation was completed in 2013-2014. The tenement was subject to a compulsory reduction as it had reached the end of its six year grant term. A partial relinquishment of the areas that were deemed to be peripheral to the major Wonarah phosphate depocentres was made in July 2015. The tenement was surrendered on 15 June 2016 on the basis that the costs associated with continuing to maintain an interest in the tenement were no longer justified.
Date Added: 21-Sep-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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