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Title: First annual report EL 10142 Brumby Dam for year ending 20 May 2003
Title Holder / Company: Tanami Exploration
Report id: CR2003-0233
Tenure: EL10142
Year: 2003
Author: Kavanagh, ME
Abstract: Exploration programs carried out by the Tanami Exploration NL on EL 10142 for the year ending 20 May 2003 comprised regional mapping, soil sampling, stream sediment sampling and rockchip sampling. Several anomalous gold and basemetal values were returned by the programs, however, overall prospectivity of the tenement is considered low to moderate. Several aspects of the 2003 sampling programs in the Oonagalabi area have yet to be reviewed in detail.
Date Added: 19-Sep-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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