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Title: EL 29556 Yambah Project Annual technical report 19 February 2014 to 18 February 2015
Title Holder / Company: Wuhua Mining Corporation
Report id: CR2015-0127
Tenure: EL29556
Year: 2015
Author: Meng, X
Abstract: Wuhua Mining Corporation Pty Ltd ('Wuhua') acquired YAMBAH mineral tenements (EL 29554, EL 29555, EL 29556, and EL 29575) in southern Northern Territory for exploring mineral resources, such as uranium, gold, copper, lead, zinc and other metal minerals, as well as phosphate. The EL 29556 was granted on 19 February 2013. The historical exploration tenements in this area were granted to explore for not only uranium but gold, base metals, nickel and other commodities. In this area, historically, NuPower carried out an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey for exploring palaeochannel uranium deposits (EL 25325). The regional geology comprises Tertiary sediments (~300 m in thickness) and the basement rocks mainly composed of granites and Gneiss. The tenement (EL 29556) is underlain by basement rocks of the Aileron Province comprising greenschist to granulite facies metamorphic rocks with protolith ages in the range 1865-1710 Ma. It forms part of the North Australian Craton and is geologically continuous with the gold-bearing Tanami and Tennant Regions to the north. This area has the potential to host not only surficial and/or sandstone style uranium mineralisation probably accumulated in palaeovalleys, but also metasomatite/ vein style uranium and other metal mineralisation developed in the granitic and metamorphic rocks. Historical exploration in the Yambah region has focussed on the potential of the basement rocks to host layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions containing Ni-Cu-Co and platinoid (Pt-Pd) mineralisation. Several companies have also recognised the potential of the Cainozoic sedimentary sequences for secondary uranium deposits derived by the erosion of the surrounding uraniferous basement rocks.Exploration during the reporting period comprises ASTER nigh-time thermal data processing and interpretation and the desktop study for the mineral exploration. An interpreted overview and technical proposal of the geological, geophysical and tectonic setting for exploration of the Yambah (Reynolds Range and Ngalia Basin, Northern Territory) uranium has been reported. This geoscientific study aims to investigate the geophysical and geological expression of structures related uranium mineralisation and its relationship with possible palaeodraniag landforms by interpreting avalaible remote sensing and geophysical data. These studies will assist exploration in the Yambah area and provide fundamental data for increasing knowledge of geological processes and landscape evolution within this region.
Date Added: 15-Aug-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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