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Title: Partial relinquishment report EL 24463 Walbiri Ngalia Regional Project 6 February 2006 to 8 January 2016
Title Holder / Company: Energy Metals
Report id: CR2016-0022
Tenure: EL24463
Year: 2016
Author: Taylor, W
Abstract: Exploration Licence 24463 (Walbiri) is part of the 100% owned Energy Metals Ltd (EME) Ngalia Regional Project situated approximately 360km northwest of Alice Springs and 50km southeast of the Bigrlyi Uranium Project (Kerr & Liu, 2015). EL 24463 was granted on 6 February 2006. A partial reduction (reducing the EL by 6 blocks or 7% of the original area) was approved on 8 January 2016. This report covers exploration activities that occurred on the surrendered area during Energy Metals period of tenure. The tenement covers areas of granitic and metamorphic basement of the Aileron Province in the north. Mount Eclipse Sandstone, often under sand cover in the south, occupies most of the tenement. Exploration work on the relinquished blocks over Energy Metals' period of tenure included several heritage surveys, an aerial geophysical radiometric and magnetic survey with interpretation (2007), field reconnaissance and a project review (2015). Following an assessment in 2015, part of the tenement located outside the Ngalia Basin was considered to be non-prospective for uranium and was relinquished.
NOTESee CR2008-0068 for Aerial Magnetic and Radiometric Survey
Date Added: 9-Aug-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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