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Title: EL 28153 Partial relinquishment report for the period ended February 2016
Title Holder / Company: Phosphate Australia
Report id: CR2016-0200
Tenure: EL28153
Year: 2016
Abstract: EL 28153 is located on the northern margin of the Barkly Tablelands, on the Mt Drummond 1:250,000 map sheet (SE5312). The area experiences a sub-tropical climate with the wet season occurring from November to March every year. During this time the area can be difficult to traverse by vehicle as access roads may be flooded. In the dry season the area is accessible by 4WD vehicle via pastoral tracks. Phosphate Australia Limited acquired the tenement by application on 1st March 2011 due to the presence of historical phosphate and iron occurrences in the region and perceived favourable local geology Toward the end of permit year two (December 2012) 8 blocks were surrendered, reducing the permit to 8 blocks (26 km2). Due to no evidence of any Phosphate deposit found on any of the relinquished areas, a further reduction of 5 blocks was then submitted on 26 February 2016, reducing the permit to 3 blocks. A map showing the permit outline is shown in Figure 1. EL 28153 is part of Phosphate Australia's East Georgina Phosphate Project and has group reporting status in GR096. To date, most of the company's efforts have been focussed on the Highland Plains Phosphate deposit located to the southeast of EL 28153. No on-ground exploration activities were carried out on any of the relinquished areas of EL 28153.
Date Added: 8-Aug-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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