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Title: Charley Creek - Amburla East Partial Cancellation Report for EL 28795 for the period 12 December 2011 to 21 November 2015
Title Holder / Company: Crossland Nickel
Essential Mining Resources
Crossland Strategic Metals
Report id: CR2015-0956
Tenure: EL28795
Year: 2015
Author: Melville, P
Abstract: EL 28975 was granted to Crossland Nickel Pty Ltd (Crossland) and Panconoz Pty Ltd (Panconoz) on 12 December 2011 for a period of 6 years. The interests of Panconoz were acquired by Essential Mining Resources Pty Ltd (EMR) in late 2015; EMR is now joint venturing with Crossland. The subject licence is one of 21 tenements that comprise the Charley Creek Rare Earth Element (REE) Project. Due to an underspend of the licence's exploration expenditure covenant, NTDME have penalised the company and cancelled one (1) sub-block. No on-ground work has been carried out within the cancelled block for the period covered by this report.
Date Added: 27-Jul-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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