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Title: Annual report for EL 27625 for the period 28 July 2014 to 27 July 2015
Title Holder / Company: Pierrepoint Mining
Report id: CR2015-0573
Tenure: EL27625
Year: 2015
Author: Krummel, SM
Krummel, RW
Abstract: Stream sediment samples were taken from drainages to the north of the Limbla-Bullhole Bore access road (SS 001-SS004). Analyses were quite low, but this is to be expected in carbonate sediments in a low-rainfall regime. However, as these ephemeral streams drain the area of higher magnetic response to the west, it is worth noting the results. Sample results were in the same range as those obtained by Normandy and Rio Tinto Exploration during the 1990's. Additional reconnaissance was undertaken, but as previously reported, there is little outcrop, and a heavy calcrete cover over much of the area.
Date Added: 2-Jun-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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