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Title: Progress under Building the Territory's Resource Base from July 2003 to March 2006
Report id: NTGS Record 2006-004
Year: 2006
Author: Dunster, JN
Abstract: In February 2006, ACIL Tasman was commissioned by the Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines (DPIFM) to undertake a review of the effectiveness of the NT Government’s exploration investment attraction strategy. This strategy encompasses two consecutive programs: the NT Exploration Initiative (NTEI: 1999–2003) and Building the Territory’s Resource Base (BTRB: 2003–2007). The timing of the review, during the third year of BTRB, was mandated by a Government decision in 2003 in awarding the then-Department of Business, Industry and Resource Development $15.2 million to fund the program. The purpose of the review was to assist the Government in deciding whether ongoing investment was warranted beyond BTRB and, if so, what form it would take.
The ACIL review was conducted during February–April 2006. Its final report, which included several costed options for future NT Government investment attraction efforts, was delivered to DPIFM on 27 April 2006. Staff of the NT Geological Survey (NTGS) compiled much of the information used by the ACIL team in completing its review. This information is presented in NTGS Record 2006-004.
At the time of release of Record 2006-004, the ACIL Tasman review report had not been made public.
Publisher: Northern Territory Geological Survey
Document Type: NTGS Record
Access Constraint: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Please observe and retain any copyright or related notices that accompany this material and give attribution to: Northern Territory of Australia (Northern Territory Geological Survey).
Date Added: 8-Mar-2016
Appears in Collections:Reports, Records, Books

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