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YearTitleTitle Holder/CompanyReport idPreviewDownload
2025Critical Minerals in the Northern Territory 2025--Critical-Minerals-in-the-Northern-Territory-2025.pdf.jpg1 file
2024Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES). Presentations and posters-NTGS Record 2024-002NTGSRec2024-002.pdf.jpg1 file
2024Rare earths and vanadium in the northern Barkly--FosterAGES2024_paper.pdf.jpg2 files
2024The Callista rare earth element project - discovery and characterisation of regolith-hosted mineralisation, Southwark granite suite, western Arunta region--TaylorAGES2024_paper.pdf.jpg2 files
2024Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES) Proceedings, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 16-17 April 2024--thumbnail.jpg1 file
2024Critical Minerals in the Northern Territory [Japanese]--thumbnail.jpg1 file
2024Critical Minerals in the Northern Territory [Indonesian]--Critical-Minerals-in-the-Northern-Territory-[Indonesian].pdf.jpg1 file
2024Critical Minerals in the Northern Territory [Korean]--Critical-Minerals-in-the-Northern-Territory-[Korean].pdf.jpg1 file
2023A combination vanadium and rare earths discovery in northern Barkly--FosterAGES2023_presentation.pdf.jpg1 file
2023Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES). Presentations and posters-NTGS Record 2023-002NTGSRec2023-002.pdf.jpg1 file
2023Rare earth element mineral systems of significance to the NT--thumbnail.jpg2 files
2023Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES) Proceedings, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 18-19 April 2023--AGES2023_Proceedings.pdf.jpg1 file
2022Summary of results. Zircon isotopic and trace element data from the Rover field, Warramunga Province-NTGS Record file
2022Summary of results. Laser ablation ICP-MS in situ apatite geochronology of the base metal and copper-gold-bismuth deposits of the Rover field, and the copper-nickel mineralisation of the Bluebush area, Warramunga Province-NTGS Record files
2020HyLogger drillhole report for SKDH05, Skyfall prospect, Pine Creek Orogen, Northern Territory-HDP0092NTGS_HDP0092.pdf.jpg2 files
2019HyLogger drillhole report for STDH03, Stromberg prospect, Pine Creek Orogen, Northern Territory-HDP0073NTGS_HDP0073.pdf.jpg2 files
1981Final report on the Mordor Complex, Central Australia-GS1981-0481 file
2017The Nolans rare earth element-phosphorus-uranium mineral system: formation and modification over 1800 million years--HustonAGES2017.pdf.jpg2 files
2013Rare earth reflectance spectroscopy: Some NT examples and exploration implications--thumbnail.jpg 
2012Heavy rare earth discovery in the Northern Territory--thumbnail.jpg 
2003Rare earth element mineralisation in the eastern Arunta Region-NTGS Record file
2013New insights on the geology of the Nolans Bore rare earths deposit--thumbnail.jpg 
2011Quantum step in discovery: From uranium to rare earths--thumbnail.jpg 
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