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Title: Report for the Barrow Creek Project covering the 2000 field season for EL 7928, EL 8771, EL 9085 and SEL 22042
Title Holder / Company: Normandy Gold
Yuendumu Mining Company
Normandy NFM
Report id: CR2001-0125
Tenure: EL7928;  EL8771;  EL9085;  SEL22042
Year: 2001
Author: Whittaker, EJ
Abstract: In-ground work during the 2000 field season on exploration licenses covered in this report was restricted to the follow-up rehabilitation of the drill hole plugging that was undertaken in 1999. This program of rehabilitation included the employment of indigenous people from Barrow Creek. An evaluation of previous soil sampling within the Baxter's Well, Odysseus and Crawford licenses was undertaken in order to prioritise areas requiring further work. The western end of the Odysseus SEL and the eastern end of Baxter's Well were highlighted as holding immediate potential for additional gold anomalies.
Date Added: 20-Jan-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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