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Title: MLN 414, MLN 415, MLN 416, MLN 417 and MLN 418 Rhodes Prospect 2000 Annual report to 31 December 2000
Title Holder / Company: Northern Gold
Report id: CR2001-0016
Tenure: MLN414;  MLN415;  MLN416;  MLN417;  MLN418
Year: 2000
Author: Mottram, N
Abstract: During the 2000 exploration season, Northern Gold N.L. contracted Arnhem Exploration Services to complete an infill soil sampling program over MLNs 414 - 418. Samples were collected at 40 metre intervals along six, 200 metre spaced lines. A total of 77 soil samples, including duplicates, were submitted to Assaycorp, in Pine Creek, for analysis of Au, using low level fire assay technique, and Ag, As, Cu, Pb and Zn, using MA4/G400M/ICP-MS analytical method. The soil sampling program outlined a north northeast trending soil anomaly, within the north and west of the area sampled. The peak results returned were 250 ppb Au, 110 ppb Au and 80 ppb Au.
Date Added: 13-Jan-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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