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Title: Annual Report for MLC 4, 5, 127, 129 and MCC 1034 for the year ending 25 March 1999 Peko East and Blanc leases Central JV2 Reporting Group
Title Holder / Company: Normandy Tennant Creek
Normandy NFM
Pacific mining Corporation
Report id: CR1999-0331
Tenure: MLC4;  MLC5;  MLC127;  MLC129;  MCC1034
Year: 1999
Author: Hill, M
Lidbury, B
Abstract: This report details work completed on MLC's and MCC of the Tennant Creek East group that are subject to the Central Joint Venture 2 Agreement. Since 1995, Normandy has explored the tenements for ironstone hosted Au/Cu/Bi mineralisation within Proterozoic Warramunga Formation. Work conducted on the tenements involved the 1998 high resolution airborne magnetic survey. This magnetic data will be used on prospect assessment and target generation. Prospects will be ranked in order of priority for further drill testing.
Date Added: 5-Nov-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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