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Title: Group annual report GR241 EL 25728, EL 27934, EL 28753 reporting period 7 March 2013 to 6 March 2014
Title Holder / Company: Anglo Australian Resources
MMG Exploration
Report id: CR2014-0255
Tenure: EL25728;  EL27934;  EL28753
Year: 2014
Author: McGilvray, CT
Pietrass-Wong, B
Abstract: Work completed in current period included 1048 line kilometre airborne TEMPEST Survey, 2 diamond drillholes and a water bore. MSFDD001 and MSFDD002 both intersected sandstones and siltstones interpreted as shallow marine shelf facies. No significant mature succession of carbonaceous shale was intersected. There was no evidence of significant tectonic activity during deposition. Geochemistry did not reveal any base metal anomalism or alteration. The holes showed no correlative geology to adequately explain the EM response and the water table occurs at the same depth where the highest intensity EM response depth slice occurred. Intersected shales were poorly developed and there were only minor sulphides as fracture coating.
Date Added: 22-Oct-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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GR241_2014_GA_01.pdf1.15 MBPDF Add
GR241_2014_GA_02_DrillCollars.txt2.2 kBText Add
GR241_2014_GA_03_DownholeSurveys.txt2.98 kBText Add
GR241_2014_GA_04_DownholeGeology.txt35.95 kBText Add
GR241_2014_GA_05_DownholeGeochem.txt40.3 kBText Add
GR241_2014_GA_06_QAQCGeochem.txt28.05 kBText Add
GR241_2014_GA_07_RecoveryData.txt13.96 kBText Add
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GR241_2014_GA_09_LithCodes.txt3.94 kBText Add
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