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Title: Annual report for MLCs 45-47, 65, 68, 154, 155, 186-196, 388-396, 512-517, 521, 525, 526, 531-534, 537-545, 548-550, 556, 578, 579, 587, 589, 590, 674, 688-691 and 694-698 and MCCs 65, 78, 95-99 and 284 for the period from 1 October 1997 to 25 February 1999 Nobles Nob reporting group Nobles Nob leases
Title Holder / Company: Normandy Tennant Creek
Report id: CR1999-0153
Tenure: MLC45;  MLC46;  MLC47;  MLC65;  MLC68;  MLC154;  MLC155;  MLC186;  MLC187;  MLC188;  MLC189;  MLC190;  MLC191;  MLC192;  MLC193;  MLC194;  MLC195;  MLC196;  MLC388;  MLC389;  MLC390;  MLC391;  MLC392;  MLC393;  MLC394;  MLC395;  MLC396;  MLC512;  MLC513;  MLC514;  MLC515;  MLC516;  MLC517;  MLC521;  MLC525;  MLC526;  MLC531;  MLC532;  MLC533;  MLC534;  MLC537;  MLC538;  MLC539;  MLC540;  MLC541;  MLC542;  MLC543;  MLC544;  MLC545;  MLC548;  MLC549;  MLC550;  MLC556;  MLC578;  MLC579;  MLC587;  MLC589;  MLC590;  MLC674;  MLC688;  MLC689;  MLC690;  MLC691;  MLC694;  MLC695;  MLC696;  MLC697;  MLC698
Year: 1999
Author: Lidbury, B
Abstract: Exploration conducted over the tenements during the reporting period include a detailed high resolution airborne magnetics/radiometric survey (used for target generation), the signing of an agreement to access Warrumungu Land Trust areas, and ongoing rehabilitation activities.
Date Added: 2-Oct-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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