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Title: First annual report for EL 28273 Karinga Creek Potash Project period to 13 April 2012
Title Holder / Company: Reward Minerals
Rum Jungle Resources
Report id: CR2012-0335
Tenure: EL28273
Year: 2012
Author: Dunster, J
Doyle, N
Abstract: During the first year of tenure, EL 28273 was included in two on-going project-wide studies by specialist geo-hydrologist companies: Geo9 and Groundwater Science. These studies contributed to background work for a maiden JORC brine resource for potash/schoenite which was determined for Rum Jungle Resources by Geos Mining Consultants on the ELs to the south of EL 28273.
Date Added: 24-Aug-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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