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Title: Annual report year ending 12 May 1998 EL 5890
Title Holder / Company: PNC Exploration Australia
Yok Aborigianl Corporation
Report id: CR1998-0400
Tenure: EL5890
Year: 1998
Author: Melville, P
Williams, S
Sawyer, L
Follington, D
Abstract: Work conducted during the year included ongoing geological and regolith mapping, ground follow up of airborne anomalism, geological mapping including ferricrete, pisolitic and rock chip sampling, stream sediment sampling. Regional and anomaly assessment RAB drilling and two diamond drill holes were completed. Geologically the tenement comprises of meta-sedimentary lithologies within an anticlinal structure in the western part of the tenement whilst the remainder is underlain by magnetite and granitoids of the Numbuwah Complex. RAB holes were sampled at the top (regolith) and bottom of the hole and spectrometer data was collected every 2 metres. In addition PIMA reflectance readings were obtained from bottom of the hole, and down hole gamma logging completed. Anomalous uranium was obtained within a RAB hole at airborne anomaly BIR1 whilst anomalous gold bearing quartz veins were located near Cooper Creek. A loam sample taken for its diamond potential suggests that the dolomites obtained do not have a diamond affinity.
Date Added: 24-Aug-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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