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Title: EL 24885 Tanami Project Annual technical report for period 28 February 2012 to 27 February 2013
Title Holder / Company: Reedy Lagoon
Report id: CR2013-0111
Tenure: EL24885
Year: 2013
Abstract: RLC's exploration targets within EL 24885 include uranium deposits associated with major unconformities within the Proterozoic underlying the Birrindudu rocks, or associated with permeable units within the Lucas Formation ('roll-front' deposits). It is possible that faulting, potentially recognisable in planned detailed magnetic survey data, could be associated with fluid pathways for uranium mineralisation to be transported into receptive lithologies. The anomalous uranium responses interpreted from the 1988 GeoScience Australia airborne radiometric survey together with any additional radiometric anomalies identified in data acquired by the planned survey will also be investigated although they are unlikely to be related to Proterozoic or Lucas Formation rocks. Gold is present in the Tanami region and will be targeted by RLC's exploration.
Date Added: 19-Aug-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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