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Title: EL 24885 Annual technical report for period 28 February 2013 to 27 February 2014
Title Holder / Company: Reedy Lagoon
Report id: CR2014-0248
Tenure: EL24885
Year: 2014
Author: Fethers, GH
Abstract: Gold and uranium were the principal minerals sought. Exploration for gold mineralisation is targeting sediments of Paleoproterozoic age located adjacent to structural faults with magnetic sediments in such locations attracting more interest. Exploration for uranium is targeting deposits associated with major unconformities within the underlying Proterozoic Birrindudu rocks, or associated with permeable units within the Lucas Formation ('roll-front' deposits). Magnetic and radiometric data was acquired by fixed-wing aircraft at 100 metre and 200 metre line spacing and sensor height at 45 metre terrain clearance (total of 2,365 line kilometres acquired). Preliminary interpretation of the geophysical data has identified structural faults, potentially magnetic sediments adjacent to faults and radiometric anomalies considered prospective for REE and phosphate. Further investigations to follow up the results received were planned.
Date Added: 19-Aug-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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