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Title: Fifth annual report for EL 7928 for the period 6 February 1997 to 5 February 1998 Crawford Prospect
Title Holder / Company: Yuendumu Mining Company
Normandy Gold
Report id: CR1998-0244
Tenure: EL7928
Year: 1998
Author: Libby, J
Mouchet, POJ
Abstract: Exploration of EL 7928 during its fifth year of tenure focused on the identification and delineation of gold mineralisation at the Morphett prospect via the drilling of 236 vacuum holes (1753m), 56 RAB holes (2795m), 6 RC holes (860m), and the collection of 26 rock chip-float samples from outcropping quartz veins. Exploration at Morphett confirmed the presence of a continuous, narrow, low-grade zone of gold mineralisation hosted by quartz veins and silicification within felsic/intermediate schist and amphibolite. The best intersection encountered to date is 3m at 1.2g-t Au from 36m, in RAB hole MTRB-065
Date Added: 10-Aug-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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