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Title: Abner Project Combined annual and final report for the period 3 March 2003 to 2 August 2015
Title Holder / Company: Legend International Holdings
Report id: CR2015-0273
Tenure: EL23117;  EL23118
Year: 2015
Author: Raza, A
Abstract: This report entail details of exploration work carried out over EL 23117 and EL 23118 since their grant on 3 March 2003 to Astro Mining NL (Astro). Astro placed EL 23117 and EL 23118 in its Abner Project, a component of a large Calvert Hills Project and carried out initial phase of exploration in three stages. The exploration target was commercial source of diamonds. During the first stage, Astro acquired all relevant geological information comprising historical exploration data and publically available government geophysical and geochemical data. During the second stage, information received was thoroughly evaluated to generate targets and structuring of exploration program. During the third stage, selected identified targets were geophysically mapped by airborne EM and Falcon airborne gravity gradiometer surveys. In 2006, Legend International Holdings Inc. (Legend) was appointed to manage the Calvert Hills Project. In the following year, 2007, Legend became owner and operator of EL 23117 and EL 23118 and continued with the planned exploration work until their expiry. During Legend's ownership, tenements remained part of Abner Project. Legend conducted HMA sampling, geophysical survey and drilling targeting kimberlites. During exploration three consultants, a geophysicist, a photogeologist and a mineralogist, were engaged to provide professional input to the company's acquired exploration data. Numerous samples from the explored areas within the tenements have yielded microdiamonds and indicator minerals mainly chromite grains suggesting tenements are prospective for hosting kimberlite. However, consistent effort over a protracted period by the Legend International Holdings (Legend) remained unsuccessful to identify the source of anomalous indicator minerals. Legend has concluded that the likelihood of finding a kimberlic source on the tenements is low and therefore seeks no further extension in tenure of EL 23117 and EL 23118. Both EL 23117 and EL 23118 expired on 2 March 2015.
NOTESee CR2006-0077 for Aerial EM Survey
See CR2007-0103 for HoistEM/Magnetic Survey and HMA Samples
See CR2008-0127 for Diamond Drilling, HMA Samples and Rock Chip Sample
See CR2010-0552 for HMA Samples and MMI Soil Samples
See CR2011-0607 for Ground Gravity Survey and HMA Samples
Date Added: 9-Aug-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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