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Title: Final surrender report EL 26362 and EL 26363 10 April 2008 to 13 April 2015
Title Holder / Company: Castile Resources
MMG Exploration
Metals X Group
Report id: CR2015-0318
Tenure: EL26362;  EL26363
Year: 2015
Author: Burke, RJ
Abstract: Exploration for the period of 10th of April 2008 to 13th of April 2015 included high resolution aerometric 90cm resolution aerial photography and desktop studies completed by Castile Resources prior to entering into a joint venture agreement with MMG Exploration Pty Ltd in September 2010. MMG conducted detail structural desktop studies prior to completing limited on ground geochem sampling and mapping in the region during the 2011 and 2013 field season. Numerous desktop studies followed sampling programs aimed to investigate the prospectivity for HYC-style mineralisation and targeting purposes. The project is still considered as a grass-roots base metals project. The rugged nature of the region means that exploration will require helicopter support which increasing the cost of exploration and has resulted in limited drilling in the region. Recently MMG Exploration Pty Ltd has withdrawn from the joint venture agreement due to the relative inaccessibility of the region and lack of significant result in recent drilling. Castile has focused its exploration activities on the southern Rover Field near Tennant Creek and Warumpi Province west of Alice Springs and as such has opted to surrender these tenements.
Date Added: 6-Aug-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL26362_EL26363_2015_AS_01.pdf819.61 kBPDF Add
EL26362_EL26363_2015_AS_02_AirPhotoMosaic.pdf82.08 MBPDF Add
EL26362_EL26363_2015_AS_03_WAS3_ASS2015A.txt7.15 kBText Add
EL26362_EL26363_2015_AS_04_Solid_Geology_Report.pdf7.46 MBPDF Add

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