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Title: EL 29029 Final exploration report for the period 6 June 2014 to 5 June 2015
Title Holder / Company: Darwin Mining Exploration
Report id: CR2015-0158
Tenure: EL29029
Year: 2015
Author: Jiang, Z
Abstract: During the last twelve months, a field geological investigation was carried out in September 2014 by the company geologists with three cheif and senior geologists from China. Mineralisation of uranium has been identified in the area with outcropes of granite at eastern Silver Kings Mine. Unfortunately, these mineralisations are likely associated with hydrothermal fluid activities after intrusion of the granite(s) and scattered in a small scale with irregular shape. It is difficult in exploration and uneconomic. After a further discussion with the share holders and consideration of currently economic slow and difficulty to raise funds currently, the company has surrundered the whole area of EL 29029.
NOTESee CR2014-0408 for Rock Chip Samples
Date Added: 27-Jul-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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