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Title: Fourth annual report for EL 7928 for the period 6 February 1996 to 5 February 1997 Crawford Prospect
Title Holder / Company: Normandy Gold
Report id: CR1997-0166
Tenure: EL7928
Year: 1997
Author: Morris, T
Abstract: A regolith survey cast doubt over the reliability of past results as much of the soil represents transported material. A few areas, including the Morphett area were noted as having residual soils. 108 soil samples were taken at close spaced intervals in the Morphett Area, parallel to vacuum drill locations of previous. The results correlated well. In addition vacuum drilling was carried out along strike of pervious identified anomaly. 429 Vacuum holes (4586m) were drilled on 250x100 centres. Values to 1040ppm arsenic and 37.2ppb Au were recorded and the anomalous zone was extended to over 4km and remains open to the SE. 44 RAB holes (2097m) were drilled in the Morphett Area. Two holes intersected significant mineralization (1m at 1.8g-t and 1m at 1.38g-t Au). Most holes recorded anomalous gold values. Mineralization and muscovite schists of the Bullion Schist.
Date Added: 16-Jul-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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