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Title: Partial relinquishment report for year ending 10 January 2015 EL 27337 Sheppard
Title Holder / Company: Arafura Resources
Report id: CR2015-0052
Tenure: EL27337
Year: 2015
Author: Dean, R
Abstract: Work associated with EL 27337 began with the compilation of an extensive GIS using open file datasets. This directed the first phase of field mapping and sampling which occurred during the 2010 field season. No sampling was undertaken over the relinquished area of EL 27337. Work during 2011 comprised a low level airborne geophysical survey which covered the entire Sheppard tenement. The survey was flown at 100m spacing and the data was subsequently merged with other Arafura-acquired data sets and open file regional data. During 2012 Arafura acquired 2.5m resolution satellite imagery over the Aileron-Reynolds project area. The imagery was used to aid reconnaissance, mapping and subsequent biogeochemical sampling over geophysical targets. Two targets were generated over the relinquished area of EL 27337 and sampling was undertaken in September 2012. Work undertaken in 2013 included the previously described merging of the geophysical datasets. The merged data obtained was used to model depth to magnetic basement under the Cenozoic basins to the south of the Reynolds Range (Southern Basins) as part of Arafura's groundwater exploration program area. The results of this modelling were not consistent with known basement depths from drill holes and no further work was undertaken.
Date Added: 8-Jun-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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