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Title: Completion report NTGS Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations Program Tin Camp Creek Project EL 24921 and EL 24922
Title Holder / Company: TCC Project
West Arnhem Corporation
Alligator Energy
Report id: CR2014-1120
Tenure: EL24921;  EL24922
Year: 2014
Author: Moorhouse, P
Abstract: A Heli-SAM survey was conducted over the Tin Camp Creek project area. The geophysics program was designed to develop a regional geophysical method of defining basement stratigraphy and highlighting areas of intense chlorite alteration beneath the Kombolgie formation to aid targeting for Uranium Exploration within the Alligator Rivers Uranium province. The survey was conducted initially within the Tin Camp Creek Project area, with the aim to validating its viability as a 'game changer' to blind exploration within the Alligator Rivers Uranium Province. The survey provided positive results showing sub Kombolgie resistive contrasts within basement stratigraphy, however further work to test the results through drilling will be required.
Date Added: 4-Jun-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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