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Title: EL 28175 Harry Creek Yambah Project Final report for the period 9 February 2011 to 8 February 2015
Title Holder / Company: Mithril Resources
Report id: CR2015-0103
Tenure: EL28175
Year: 2015
Author: McKinnon-Matthews, J
Abstract: No further work was completed on the EL after the last annual report (as part of the Yambah combined report) submitted in November 2014. A summary of exploration activities from 2011 - 2015 includes compilation and digitisation of historic data, acquisition and processing of ASTER data, ground magnetic survey, ground EM survey, geological mapping, 257 soil samples, 69 rock chip samples, heritage survey, 5 RC drillholes for 375m and 161 downhole samples.
NOTESee CR2012-0932 for Ground EM, Ground Mag, Rock Chip Sampling
See CR2013-0921 for RC Drilling, Rock Chip and Soil Sampling
Date Added: 3-Jun-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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