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Title: Annual report ERL 141 and 142 Boomerang Creek 13 February 1996 to 12 February 1997
Title Holder / Company: Ashton Mining
Report id: CR1997-0274
Tenure: ERL141;  ERL142
Year: 1997
Author: Rogers, TC
Abstract: It appears from the geochemical programme that the LREE-Bacanbe method used to vector into pipes obscured by shallow cover is regarded as a cost effective mode of sampling. Other work looked at the structure of the pipes and possible age. This work has suggested that there is the possibility of multiple intrusive events and has suggested an age through Rb-Sr dating of 367 million years +/- 4 million. 2190.67-Cts of diamonds have been recovered from 4238 tonnes of ore ie. approximately 51.69 Cts-100 tonnes.
Date Added: 3-Jun-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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